Friday, August 9, 2013

Enchilada Recipe

Oh my of my fave meals to cook y'all! 

Corn tortillas
Sharp Block of cheese
1 can of tomato paste
1lb ground beef
1 can of nacho Mexican cheese
1 bag of shredded cheese
Sour cream

Brown the beef & half the onion together. Drain the grease. Add the 3/4 of the can of tomato paste then add the can of Mexican nacho cheese, chili powder to taste and thicken sauce. Heat till blended well. Cut slices of block cheese to roll in corn tortillas along with diced onions. Layer them in a baking dish. Pour chili sauce over layered tortillas. Pour bag of shredded cheese on top. Bake until golden and melted. Serve with sour cream. You'll love it!

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